Insurance Services

How Much Life Insurance I Need ?

Underwriters Thumb Rule, Life insurance need is a multiple of annual income depending on the age(see below)

Age Worth of life insurance
20-30 15 x annual income
31-40 14 x annual income
41-45 12 x annual income
46-50 10 x annual income
51-55 8 x annual Income
56 Upward 6 x annual income

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Insurance Services

How To Choose A Term Plan

Compare life insurance coverage Among various term plans, find out about the life insurance coverage available as well as availability of riders for coverage of accident, disability and critical illnesses. Follow us using AshutoshFinserv on: FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE, TWITTER & LINKEDIN.
Insurance Services

Premium Rise Inevitable

Term Insurance premium rise inevitable as reinsurer have already hiked the premium amounts. All insurance companies are going to rise their term insurance premium very soon. All who are thinking to take term life insurance should buy their insurance to get insurance at cheaper rate immediately. Contact us for comparison of premium amount and features of insurance plan. There are many types of Term Insurance in which only death benefit, death benefit with accidental benefit, death benefit with critical illness benefit, return of premium, increasing sum assured, etc are very popular. Now a days long term insurance plans are also available which gives you protection for lifetime. Follow us using AshutoshFinserv on: FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE, TWITTER & LINKEDIN.